Monday, November 8, 2010

Othello + Psychoanalytical Criticism

Argument Statement: Looking through the lens of the psychoanalytical theory, Shakespeare sheds light on how true evil can manifest in the mind of humans, through the character Iago.

Psychoanalytical Theory: Critically looking at the world through the inner workings of the minds of individuals.

Friday, October 1, 2010

This is an ESPN advertisement for Monday Night Football. The advertisement plays upon the saying, "Is it Friday yet?" The saying is used when people grind through the work week, they look forward to Friday to start the weekend and spend their free time doing as they please. On the other hand, Monday commonly viewed as the least favorite day of the week because it is the start of the work week. And the whole point of the advertisment is that Monday Night Football is giving people something to look forward to on the most dreaded day of the week. Therefore, coining the phrase, "Is it Monday yet?"

Monday, September 13, 2010

Senior 2011

Welcome to my senior year's blog.